Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Team members trying out the flag part.


Video taken and uploaded during lunch "bulldog time."

RoboDeuces has a symbol

The Replicator 2 3D printer produced a V for Victory or "Deuces" product to act as our symbol yesterday in Engineering drawing class.

During the volleyball games, I was able to put together the end game flag that we can practice with.  Today in class we will bring out the matts and set up a corner segment of the playing field.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

We have a TEAM!

We meet during lunch B today to organize the work times in the lab.  This photo was taken using the camea's timer.

All team members are reminded they must login to STIMS with First organization.  parents must authorize your participation for me to take you to contests.  This is gonna be a great year!   As with the GScape club we will communicate with social media.  I'll maintain a Facebook page for FTC and also posts items to my teacher web site.  Pass the work to anyone that wants information about our team.